This weekend saw Timothée Chalamet take a turn as a stand-up comedian. It was his second time hosting Saturday Night Live, and the film darling penned a (hilarious!) musical theater number about self-promotion in an era of Hollywood strikes. Then he revived his almost-forgotten Lil’ Timmy Tim persona, which, for those who participate in online stan forums, is a core tenet of Timothée lore.
Perhaps this is what first drew Kylie Jenner (who has been associated with a number of high-profile rap artists) into Chalamet’s orbit. The duo celebrated his SNL cameo alongside Sophie Turner and Dakota Johnson who, unlike Kylie and Timothée, decided to dress in aesthetically harmonious outfits: all long-line coats and black under layers; shin-high boots and retina-popping handbags.
There remains at least a fortnight until we can start referring to “party season,” but these kinds of looks (chic separates with jewel-like accessories) are a cornerstone of festive dressing—albeit a more restrained take on the allover sequins that tend to get popularized at normie office parties. I’d imagine Sophie Turner might revisit this dress should she be invited to one of those “dos.”
This article first appeared on British Vogue.