Canadian Corporate Watchdog Investigates Ralph Lauren Over Alleged Forced Labor in China

The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Corporate Citizenship (CCECC) has launched an investigation into Ralph Lauren, one of the world’s most recognizable fashion brands, for its alleged use of forced labor in China. The probe stems from a complaint filed by the Chinese Labour Watch (CLW), a New York-based non-profit organization that has been documenting labor abuses in China for over two decades..

In its complaint, the CLW alleges that Ralph Lauren is working with suppliers in China that use forced labor, particularly in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR), where the Chinese government has been accused of committing genocide against the Uyghur Muslim minority. The CLW claims that Ralph Lauren’s suppliers are using Uyghur workers who have been forcibly transferred from their homes in Xinjiang to work in factories in other parts of China..

The CCECC is an independent body that investigates allegations of human rights abuses by Canadian companies operating overseas. The centre has the power to compel companies to comply with its requests for information and to make recommendations to the Canadian government on how to address human rights violations..

Ralph Lauren has denied the allegations, saying that it has a strict policy against forced labor and that it requires its suppliers to adhere to international labor standards. The company has also said that it is conducting its own investigation into the allegations and that it is committed to taking appropriate action if any violations are found..

The CCECC’s investigation is a significant development in the fight against forced labor in China. It is the first time that a Canadian government agency has launched an investigation into a fashion company for its alleged use of forced labor in China. The investigation is also likely to put pressure on other fashion companies to take action to address the issue of forced labor in their supply chains..

The use of forced labor in China has been a growing concern in recent years. In 2020, the U.S. government banned the import of cotton from Xinjiang, citing evidence that the cotton was being produced using forced labor. The U.S. government has also imposed sanctions on several Chinese companies that have been accused of using forced labor..

The CCECC’s investigation is a welcome step towards addressing the issue of forced labor in China. The centre’s findings could help to shed light on the extent of the problem and could lead to recommendations for how to address it. The investigation could also help to raise awareness of the issue of forced labor in China and could encourage other fashion companies to take action to address the issue in their supply chains..

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