Professor John Ikenberry’s Op-ed on How the US and China Can Avoid Clashing

**Original Title:** US and China can avoid clash in Asia Pacific, but only with enough caution.

**Original Content:**.

Professor John Ikenberry’s op-ed in Foreign Affairs argues that the US and China can avoid a clash in the Asia Pacific, but only with enough caution. He outlines three specific actions that both countries need to take:.

1. **The US needs to avoid a Thucydides Trap.** This is a theory in international relations that says that when a rising power challenges a dominant power, it often leads to war. The US needs to avoid taking actions that appear to be threatening to China, and it needs to be willing to accommodate China’s rise..

2. **China needs to avoid becoming a hegemon.** A hegemon is a country that dominates a region. China needs to avoid taking actions that would make it appear to be seeking hegemony in the Asia Pacific. It needs to be willing to work with other countries in the region to create a cooperative order..

3. **Both countries need to establish clear rules of the road for their interactions.** These rules should cover issues such as trade, investment, and military behavior. They should be clear and specific, and they should be binding on both countries..

Ikenberry concludes by saying that it is possible for the US and China to avoid a clash in the Asia Pacific, but it will require caution and cooperation from both sides..

**Translated Title:** 美国和中国如何避免在亚太地区发生冲突.

**Translated Content:**.


1. **美国需要避免陷入修昔底德陷阱。**这是一项国际关系理论,指出当一个新兴国家挑战主导国家时,往往会导致战争。美国需要避免采取被视为对中国构成威胁的行动,并且需要乐于接受中国的发展壮大。.

2. **中国需要避免成为霸主。**霸主是一个主导该地区国家。中国需要避免采取可能被视为试图在亚太地区谋求霸权的行动。它需要愿意与该地区其他国家合作,建立一个合作的秩序。.

3. **这两个国家都需要为其互动制定明确的规则。**这些规则应涵盖诸如贸易、投资和军事行为等问题。它们应清晰具体,并对这两个国家具有约束力。.


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